Sunday, November 28, 2010


Here are some shots I took when I visited my family for Thanksgiving. My nephew is getting so big! Some random shots from Byrd park, and one little hand held pic of me and my friend. She looks cute I look odd. I think I have a dent in my head from my hat. HAHA.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Ani't No Joke!!!

Here are some fun picks so far. The Zombie pics where taken by Phil Bowen for RVA Magazine@ The Zombie Prom. I know I am kind of over Zombies too.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here's my upstairs neighbor's pumpkin for this year. I gave it some style by adding some grain filtering to it so it would look like a 70's low budget horror film still. Well kind of. : )

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Update soon!!!!

I have a bunch of film in the process of getting back to me, and hope to have some new snazzy images ready to share! Here is the whole Blue Series I did. I know I posted one of these in the past but have never shared the whole batch of images that go together.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer's End.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Summer is slowly coming to an end. Man this was a long one even though it felt like it's days flew by. I am teaching my last class of the summer and taking a well need break. This summer started off with a bang. Fun good times with friends, working hard and playing harder.Awesome shows, and was just topped off this past weekend with the 9th annual Best Friends Day.
I worked a lot this summer saved a bunch of money, made a lot of connections, and hope that it leads to something popping up this Fall. Other than that I am going back to be Chesterfield County's number one sub teacher. hahaha. Give me a job folks.

Well, I am planing fall trips, one to Pilly To see one of the SLEEP shows and hopefully SF for a week. My band should be bouncing to one or two spots this fall as well. We just finished out 2nd LP and happy to get it out there very soon. It's( and I hate to toot my own horn) amazing. Four awesome songs spanning 30 min. Just enough for the next one that is in the works as well. I'll post a link for downloading here when we get it ready to come out.

Well, enough jibba jabba. Enjoy this pic of me and a few friends from a bday party we went to where you had to dress like a song. We went as "We're all 138". It's a Misfits song, but I feel most of my followers will get it. enjoy bye!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

DC Family !!!!

I went up to see my brother's new place in DC and visit. It's awesome, and makes me want to live in the basement.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Warhol Mocking Handcolored Photogram

I made this for a friend b/c it reminded me of her.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

VA summer time

There is a lot that goes on in the summer here in RVA. Bike riding, porch beers, river fun, looking at cute girls wearing cute fun summertime outfits, shows, and trying to stay cool and hydrated as much as possible.
I am teaching a summer class that I have been doing for 3 years now and it's going well. Teaching kids about the fundamentals of photography and doing some fun stuff using the darkroom and pinhole cameras. I myself in my down time while I am at school will try some fun pinhole work on my own. So, look for some of that when the time comes I will be scanning an posting...
Speaking of Scanning. I woke up this morning to turn on the tv to catch the last 10 min of Scanners. I love that movie. I also just watched Rabid for the first time and was impressed.. I am really glad someone got me into more Cronenberg some few years ago. I wish I could go to see him speak in Toronto in August, but I am teaching at the VMFA that week. Oh well I could use the money to save for my still not yet planed escape from here for a bit in the fall. I am still trying to think of where I want to go for at least a week.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cross-processed Some days and Some Nights

I love when I find old images that I forgot about. These were some fun things I did with some artist friends.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Reasons 31 year olds should not Skate anymore.

Well I say to hell with that... I feel fine when I skate. I just hated the fact that a few months ago I fractured my elbow and all they could do for it was charge me 125 bucks and tell me to lay off it. I can now finally do stuff with my left arm... I kind of cheated and did any way after 6 weeks and not 8. Well this is what it looked like 24 hours after my fall. Just a helpful reminder when I am out reliving my teen years rippin it up, that I am not a teen anymore. Still fun despite the pain I dealt with for 2 months. I am sure it will be wonky for a few more months and still hurt from time time to time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Home of Rock 'n' Roll and some downtown street art


I am sorry I have been really busy with work and I am all done setting things up in my new place.... I love it! My roommate is awesome, and so are his cats. I have been hanging with a new lady friend I have courting( why I use that word). Any way! I came across this pic from

Tuesday, May 4, 2010